Meet the Admissions Team

The Admissions team at Georgia Southern University is dedicated to providing support and guidance to prospective students, their families, and the community. The team is organized into various departments, each specializing in key areas of the admissions process:

  1. Admissions Counselors-Dual Enrollment: Specialize in supporting high school students through dual enrollment and transitioning into fulltime enrollment.
  2. Admissions Counselors-Freshman: Specialize in recruiting and supporting first-time college students throughout their admissions journey.
  3. Admissions Counselors-Transfer & Adult: Provide dedicated support to transfer students and adult learners, assisting them in their unique pathways to higher education.
  4. Operations & Processing: Handles application management, documentation, and ensuring a smooth admissions process for all applicants.
  5. Events & Visitation: Coordinates campus tours, open houses, and events to showcase the university to prospective students and their families.
  6. Leadership: Guides the overall direction and strategy of the admissions team to align with the university’s mission and goals.

You can view and sort the admissions team members by their respective departments to easily find contacts or relevant information.

Employee TitleFull NamePhone Number
LeadershipPlaceholder for headshot - Photo Coming SoonDirector of RecruitmentComing Soon
Leadership, Operations & ProcessingKhari KellyDirector of Operations & ProcessingKhari
Operations & ProcessingChrista CranfordAdmissions Operations SpecialistChrista
Admissions Counselors-Transfer & AdultPlaceholder for headshot - Photo Coming SoonAdmissions Recruitment Specialist – Liberty CampusComing Soon
Events & VisitationPlaceholder for headshot - Photo Coming SoonGraduate Assistant, Events & RecruitmentComing Soon
Operations & ProcessingStephanie del FornAssistant Director of Admissions TechnologyStephanie del
Operations & ProcessingJason BowlesAdmissions ProcessorJason
Operations & ProcessingAzure McDanielAdmissions ProcessorAzure
Operations & ProcessingHudarphus HardnettAdmissions Operations SpecialistHudarphus
Operations & ProcessingMichael BoneAdmissions Operations SpecialistMichael
Operations & ProcessingPatrick JunorAdmissions ProcessorPatrick
Operations & ProcessingJessica KincaidAdmissions ProcessorJessica
LeadershipAssistant Vice President for Enrollment Management & AdmissionsErin
Events & VisitationPlaceholder for headshot - Photo Coming SoonAdministrative Assistant, Visitation ProgramsComing
Operations & ProcessingKavita Brigham-HuntAdmissions ProcessorKavita
Operations & ProcessingOlachi EgbutuAdmissions ProcessorOlachi
Operations & ProcessingJacey ThomasAdmissions ProcessorJacey
LeadershipMelissa DealAdministrative Assistant Melissia
Operations & Processing

Admissions ProcessorHeather
Operations & Processing

Kaylee French

Admissions ProcessorKaylee
Operations & ProcessingAlexis GibbonsAdmissions ProcessorAlexis Gibbons
Admissions Counselors-Transfer & AdultErickson GrahamTransfer Admissions Specialist – Armstrong CampusErickson Graham912-344-2632dgraham@georgiasouthern.edu
Events & VisitationKennedy JohnsonEvents and Visitation Specialist, Statesboro CampusKennedy
Admissions Counselors-FreshmanAdmissions CounselorJaylen KingCounties: Bulloch, Burke, Candler, Effingham, Emanuel, Evans, Jenkins, Screven, Tattnall912-478-0063jaylenking@georgiasouthern.edu
Admissions Counselors-FreshmanAdmissions CounselorJordan SchulteCounties: Baldwin, Banks, Barrow, Clarke, Columbia, Dawson, Elbert, Franklin, Glascock, Greene, Habersham, Hancock, Hart, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Lincoln, Lumpkin, Madison, McDuffie, Morgan, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Putnam, Rabun, Richmond, Stephens, Taliaferro, Towns, Union, Walton, Warren, Washington, White, Wilkes, Wilkinson912-478-0038jschulte@georgiasouthern.edu
Operations & ProcessingDevon JonesAssistant Director of Admissions ProcessingDevon
Leadership, Events & Visitation

Akilah King

Associate Director of Events & VisitationAkilah
Admissions Counselors-Transfer & AdultJessenia MartinezTransfer Recruitment CoordinatorJessenia Martinez912-478-5596jmartinez@georgiasouthern.edu
Leadership, Transfer & Adult

Associate Director of Transfer, Adult, & Online RecruitmentLauren
Admissions Counselors-Freshman, Admissions Counselors-Dual EnrollmentEmily KingAssistant Director of Freshman & Dual Enrollment RecruitmentEmily King

Emily works with students dual enrolling on the Statesboro Campus.

Admissions Counselors-FreshmanShontavia PurvisAtlanta Regional Recruitment CoordinatorShontavia PurvisCounties: Clayton, Cobb, Dekalb, Fulton770-508-8965spurvis@georgiasouthern.edu
Admissions Counselors-FreshmanOlivia SuttonAdmissions CounselorOlivia SuttonCounties: Bartow, Carroll, Catoosa, Chattooga, Coweta, Dade, Douglas, Fannin, Fayette, Floyd, Gilmer, Gordon, Haralson, Harris, Heard, Henry, Meriwether, Murray, Paulding, Pickens, Pike, Polk, Spalding, Troup, Walker, Whitfield912-478-7387osutton@georgiasouthern.edu
Admissions Counselors-FreshmanEmma SuttonAdmissions CounselorEmma SuttonCounties: Bibb, Butts, Chattahoochee, Clay, Crawford, Houston, Jasper, Jones, Lamar, Laurens, Macon, Marion, Monroe, Muscogee, Newton, Peach, Quitman, Randolph, Schley, Stewart, Talbot, Taylor, Twiggs, Upson, Webster912-478-5743esutton@georgiasouthern.edu
Admissions Counselors-Freshman, Admissions Counselors-Dual EnrollmentBreonna MillikenAdmissions CounselorBreonna MillikenDual Enrollment, Armstrong Campus
: Bryan, Chatham

Breonna works with students dual enrolling on the Armstrong Campus in Savannah.

Admissions Counselors-FreshmanNia HowardAdmissions CounselorNia HowardCounties: Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Baker, Ben Hill, Berrien, Bleckley, Brantley, Brooks, Calhoun, Charlton, Clinch, Coffee, Colquitt, Cook, Crisp, Decatur, Dodge, Dooly, Dougherty, Early, Echols, Grady, Irwin, Jeff Davis, Lanier, Lee, Lowndes, Miller, Mitchell, Montgomery, Pierce, Pulaski, Seminole, Sumter, Telfair, Terrell, Thomas, Tift, Toombs, Treutlen, Turner, Ware, Wheeler, Wilcox, Worth912-478-0630nhoward@georgiasouthern.edu
Admissions Counselors-FreshmanBailey PaceAdmissions CounselorBailey PaceCounties: Camden, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Wayne
: North Carolina & South Carolina
Admissions Counselors-FreshmanBrodie MaroneyFlorida Regional Recruitment CoordinatorBrodie MaroneyThis counselor works with all freshman Out-of-State Students (excluding North Carolina and South Carolina).912-536-5532bmaroney@georgiasouthern.edu
Admissions Counselors-FreshmanMelanie McKnightAtlanta Regional Recruitment CoordinatorMelanie McKnightCounties: Cherokee, Forsyth, Gwinnett, Hall, Rockdale912-763-8020mmcknight@georgiasouthern.edu
Admissions Counselors-FreshmanAlba CobosAdult & Online Recruitment CoordinatorAlba CobosAlba works with all multicultural freshman students throughout the United States and her territories. 912-478-2611 acobos@georgiasouthern.edu